About Pensacola Chiropractic and Pensacola Sacroiliac Joint Pain


You may explain your pain as pain in the low back (either left or right) or into the hips or hip joints which at least places the pain in the right location for diagnostic purposes! Sacroiliac joint pain comes from the sacroiliac joints' inflammation or irritation due to their misalignment, resulting in nerve compression and interference.


pain radiating from the sacroiliac joints

Sacroiliac joint pain may be a deep ache or sharp pain that prevents you from movement. It may send pain into your buttocks or even into your buttocks or groin. 

Sacroiliac Joint Pain Condition Description

A thorough, clinical examination that may include imaging is important to your recovery.

 Lumbar Spine Exam Description

In office, Pensacola Spinal Rehab Center uses chiropractic adjusting to relieve sacroiliac joint pain. In office adjunctive care may hasten your recovery.

At Home Care

At home you may want to avoid sitting for long periods of time, wear a support brace if recommended, sleep on a supportive mattress, sit in an ergonomically designed chair, and modify your daily activities as needed.

Contact Pensacola Spinal Rehab Center for care of your sacroiliac joint pain.

"This information and website content is not intended to diagnose, guarantee results, or recommend specific treatment or activity. It is designed to educate and inform only. Please consult your physician for a thorough examination leading to a diagnosis and well-planned treatment strategy. See more details on the DISCLAIMER page. Content is reviewed by Dr. James M. Cox I."